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Vice Grip Garage


Host, Derek Bieri

Vocabulary List

Get ‘er Runnin’............................ Start the Car

Sparkolators................................ Spark Plugs

Bat-tries........................................ Battery

Lightening Charger..................... Alternator

Fire Maker.................................... Gasoline

NHRA Fuel Cell......................... 5 Gallon Plastic Outboard Motor Gas Tank

Fuel Make ‘er Happener............ Fuel Pump

Laughing Gas.............................. Spray Starting Fluid (Ether)

Snort of this................................. Spray of Starting Fluid

Direct Injection............................ Pour gas into the carburetor

“She must be a drinker”............. Gas Guzzler

Power Barn.................................. Hood of a Car/Truck

Key Turnage................................ Ignition

Ignition Sticks.............................. Ignition Keys

Crankage..................................... Starting the car/truck

Light ‘er up................................... Start the car

Bringing the Thunder................. Start the Engine

Stemage....................................... Tire inflation stem

Lightening Checker 2000.......... Spark Plug Wire Tester

Lightening Hoses........................ Spark Plug Wires

Stopalators.................................. Brakes

Pimp Juice................................... Brake Fluid


"Hindsight being 16-20"

Thanks to Jeff Vincent for introducing me to Vice Grip Garage

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